Ideal Job Discovery
Together we'll visualize your ideal job and how that can inform your job search strategy. Learn how to investigate potential workplace culture even before you apply!
Unleash Your Superpowers
Fortify your self-worth and values, both on a personal and professional level. You'll discover what truly makes you unique and how even non-museum experience can still count!
Apply with Confidence
Craft a resume and cover letter that stands out with tips tailored for the museum sector. Discover how to decipher job descriptions to target your applications effectively.
Preparing for the Big Interview
Banish interview jitters for good! We'll build your own toolbox of strategies and questions, so you'll know precisely what to say and do when it’s time for the real deal.
BONUS: Built-in Network!
Throughout this transformative journey, you'll have the opportunity to connect with a supportive community of fellow museum professionals. Get advice, share experiences and forge career-boosting connections that will help propel you forward.
If you're feeling stuck, uncertain or insecure about your career path, know you are not alone!
Next Program Dates:
Wednesdays in April (2, 9, 16, 23) from 7 - 8:30 pm EST via Zoom
Dates to be released soon for June and August!
Afraid to take the leap? Read more success stories!
- M.T.
- Sarah D.
- Joanna J